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Writer's pictureGulag2020

The Consequences of Lockdown - Archive of Links

Updated: Dec 31, 2020


This page aims to document the devastating economic, societal and health effects lockdowns have had worldwide:


December 30th Update:

‘Do not resuscitate’ orders caused potentially avoidable deaths, regulator finds - "Do-not-resuscitate orders were wrongly allocated to some care home residents during the Covid-19 pandemic, causing potentially avoidable deaths, the first phase of a review by England’s Care Quality Commission has found.

The regulator warned that some of the “inappropriate” do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) notices applied in the spring may still be in place and called on all care providers to check with the person concerned that they consent. "


December 2nd Update:


November 26th Update:


November 21st Update:

Psychology Open Letter to Policy Makers and the PublicPublished 01 November 2020 - "We, as psychology professionals, would like to share our concerns regarding the psychological impacts of measures implemented in response to what has been named the COVID-19 pandemic..."


October 23rd Update:

Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns - Lockdowns have been used to control the coronavirus around the world. Now a WHO official has questioned the success of them.


October 12th Update:


September 15th 2020 Update:

Crude mortality trends in Scotland stratified by causes of death.


August 21st 2020 Update:


August 18th 2020 Update:


August 6th 2020 Update:


August 1st 2020 Update:

Social relationships and mortality risk: a meta-analytic review - The quality and quantity of individuals' social relationships has been linked not only to mental health but also to both morbidity and mortality.


July 29th 2020 Update:

"Virus-linked hunger is tied to 10,000 child deaths each month, according to the UN" - (By virus-linked they, of course, mean insane, unnecessary lockdown-linked)


July 13th 2020 Update:


July 8th 2020 Update:


July 1st 2020 Update:


June 30th 2020 Update:


June 21st 2020 Update:


June 20th 2020 Update:


June 17th 2020 Updates:


June 16th 2020 Update:


June 15th Updates:


June 14th 2020 Update:


June 13th 2020 Update:

Residents abandoned, left without food and water

Up to 75% of deaths avoidable

Residents left in inhumane conditions

7 staff sacked after raising concerns

HSE/HIQA Cover-up


June 12th 2020 Update:


Posts Before 12th June 2020:

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